Vassae supports Groenbalans plans in India

Groenbalans, the company that certifies that we deliver our products with a neutral carbon footprint, is funding a great Verra VCS project that we proudly support financially through our collaboration with them. Verra is a non-profit organisation that drives large-scale investment to activities that reduce emissions, improve livelihoods, and protect nature. They help construct a hydroelectric power plant in Himachal Pradesh state (District Kullu).

The goal of this project in India is to generate electricity by using renewable energy sources, the water of the nearby Malana river. This new power plant will spare this region of greenhouse gas emissions currently produced by thermal fossil fuel-burning facilities while closing the demand‐supply gap for electricity. Νo storage dam will be built of this plant and there the local flora and fauna will not be impacted by the construction. Maintaining ecological equilibrium is very important in order to preserve the local medicinal plants and wildlife.

Before taking the decision to go on with this project, they initiated meetings with the “gram panchayat”, the local village government, and other groups in the area. Then, they incorporated the suggestions by the local community into their plans. Meanwhile, the locals will benefit from new skilled and unskilled employment opportunities and improved infrastructure, such as new roads and communication networks. Moreover, a new primary school building is constructed near the barrage site, while there are plans for more schools in the area. The medical facilities are also upgraded. Last but not least, to overcome the shortage of drinking water, the project developer has installed hand pumps and water lines in the villages. They contribute to the governmental Drought Relief Funds helping drought‐affected populations.

The plant will be completed in two years and, instead of the normally expected five years. At Vassae, we look forward to it!

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