Why is Extra Virgin Olive Oil so healthy?

Posted On: Feb 3, 2022

Categories: Learn

Tags: health , knowledge , health benefits , early harvest

Improve your Health and Well-being with Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is one of the tastiest ingredients in the Mediterranean diet; the silky, almost velvety oil elevates any dish to heavenly heights with its attractive flavor and aroma. 

Still, extra virgin olive oil is more than a delicious addition to your diet; it’s also considered the healthiest type of oil on the planet; in fact, it’s regarded as one of the healthiest foods overall!

You’ve probably heard olive oil is healthy, but now we’re telling you why. Here’s all you need to know about EVOO and its impressive health benefits. 

“Olive Oil Is More Than Oil!”

Olive oil is much more than cooking oil; it’s an agricultural product and a staple of the Mediterranean diet. The finest oils are as special as fine wine. Extra virgin oil’s quality starts in the fields, and there’s a lot of tradition, passion and pride behind the finest oils. 

Extra virgin olive oil is history, tradition and an artisanal product. The oil is cold-pressed and bottled with no additives, artificial flavorings or chemicals, in a non-interventionist way — it’s an all-natural product of the highest quality. That alone makes artisan extra virgin olive oil healthy and utterly delicious. 

“Not all fat is the same”

For a long time, we all thought fat was something to avoid. Now we know not all types of fat are the same, and although some are not particularly healthy, some, like the ones found in EVOO, are incredibly healthy. 

Saturated fats, often found in meat and dairy, are essential for our well-being, but not the best if over-consumed. Saturated fats can elevate your levels of artery-cloying, “bad” low-density cholesterol.

Unsaturated Fats, divided into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in nuts, seeds, avocados, oily fish and olive oil. These fats are considered healthy in many ways, and they play a role in any health-oriented diet. Let’s explore the health benefits of cold-pressed EVOO, the best olive oil for you. 

Health Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

There’s no doubt extra virgin olive oil is the the most healthy oil, especially when it is crafted with care. The olive juice is an extract full of polyphenols and vitamins. All the production steps starting from the olive grove, the harvest and the mill are important for maintaing its healthy attributes.

Health Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Health Benefits of early harvested, high phenolic, Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1. Nutritional Value in EVOO

Nutritionally, one tablespoon of high-quality olive oil contains 9.86 grams of healthy monounsaturated fats, 1.42 grams of polyunsaturated fat and 1.86 grams of saturated fat. This contributes 119 calories to your diet. 

As for vitamins and minerals, olive oil has adequate amounts of vitamin E to protect your cells; vitamin K, that aids in blood clotting and potassium, excellent to enjoy healthy kidneys and heart.

2. Olive Oil Decreases the Risk of Heart Disease

The high amounts of olive oil’s monounsaturated fat or oleic acid are good for your circulatory system and your heart. The unique type of fat helps lower “bad” low-density cholesterol and triglyceride levels in your bloodstream, the kind that can block your arteries.

This healthy type of fat also increases the good kind or high-density cholesterol levels, essential for your well-being. Up to 73% of olive oil is made of monounsaturated fats, making it one of the best sources of the compound on the planet. 

3. Olive Oil Has Astounding Amounts of Antioxidants

Olive oil also has excellent levels of antioxidants, plant-based molecules that bind with free radicals in your bloodstream. Free radicals are rogue, scavenging particles that damage your body at a cellular level, causing deterioration, inflammation and premature aging.

Antioxidant-rich foods are critical in a healthy diet. Olive oil is an excellent source of them, but also red wine, blueberries, dark chocolate and leafy greens. By consuming extra virgin olive oil often, you’re not only protecting your heart, but your body as a whole thanks to its antioxidants. 

4. Olive Oil Fights Chronic Inflammation

Inflammation is not all that bad; it’s a defense mechanism against injury and infections. However, chronic inflammation can be life threatening, and it’s caused for several reasons, including free radicals in your bloodstream.

Chronic inflammation might lead to high blood pressure or hypertension, which is bad for your heart health and puts pressure on other systems in your body. The dangerous condition is linked to several diseases, including type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and some types of cancer.

Olive oil, acts as an all-natural anti-inflammatory thanks to its antioxidants, particularly an antioxidant called oleocanthal and the its oleic acid.

5. Olive Oil Might Help Prevent Some Types of Cancer

When free radicals are dangerously high, present in all of us because of exhaustive exercise, infections, smoking and drinking alcohol, they can alter cells at a DNA level, causing some types of cancer. This is known as oxidative damage and keeping it at bay is paramount to prevent the development of some cancers. 

Preliminary scientific evidence suggests that consuming olive oil often, especially if substituting less healthy fats, can reduce the risk of cancer caused by oxidative stress. Although there’s still a lot we don’t know about cancer, these findings are promising. 

“Vassae, High-Quality Olive Oil With High Polyphenols”

Not olive oil is created equal. Extra virgin olive oil is far superior to regular oil, but one can find differences even within the premium category. 

Vassae is a certified highy polyphenol extra virgin olive oil. This means the oil has extraordinary levels of antioxidants. Achieving high polyphenol levels is no easy feat, thanks to the selection of high-altitude olives of the appropriate variety, harvested early to preserve their phenolic content, Vassae producers can deliver an appealing and healthy olive oil.

Without considering flavor and aroma, the amount of polyphenols in olive oil determines its quality, especially regarding its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound levels. 

Add Extra Virgin Olive Oil to Your Diet

There’s no easier way of improving your quality of life than changing your eating habits. The most straightforward way to do it is by substituting unhealthier types of oil for extra virgin olive oil.

EVOO is not only one of the tastiest oils on the planet but also hands down the healthiest. When consumed regularly, it can significantly improve your health while helping reduce the risk of dangerous diseases and conditions. 

Add a high-polyphenol extra virgin olive oil to your diet and enjoy olive oil’s health benefits.

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